Beyond capitalism?
Toward economic self-determination of communities
Saturday April 9th, 2016
Tio’tia:ke | Montreal, Concordia University
* Video links of the conference below*
Guiding theme of the conference: How do our economic initiatives contribute to the construction of post-capitalist presents and futures?
The objective is to familiarize the participants with the Community Economies school of thought and with the post-capitalist economic initiatives underway throughout the territories of Turtle Island today referred to as Quebec. Folks coming from different regions will be presenting what is going on in their neck of the woods and sharing their analysis of best practices and challenges they face.
Conference OPENING – [9am-10:30am]
Welcome. Anna Kruzynski & Rachel Sarrasin, activist-researchers affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Research Collective on Dissent. Video
Opening keynote address on the diverse economy and post-capitalist politics by Katherine Gibson & Ethan Miller, Community Economies Collective (CEC). Video
PANEL 1 – [10:30am-11:15am] Video
followed by questions / comments
Presentation of the event « Transform/er Montreal : disrupt and democratize our economy » (March 19-20, 2016)
Koumbit, Montreal.
Anouk Nadeau-Farley & Guillaume Beaulieu.
Video of the Hive cafe, solidarity co-operative, Concordia University, Montreal
Erik Chevrier.
PANEL 2 – [12pm-1pm] Video
followed by questions / comments
Indigene Community
Douglas Jack
Coop Bioma, Laurentians
Jacinthe Poisson, Pablo Velez Tobar & Mathew Gaddes.
Aux berges du Lac Castor, Mauricie
François Chalifour.
LUNCH – [1pm-2:30pm]
PANEL 3 – [2:30pm-3:45pm] Video
followed by questions / comments
Centre d’écologie solidaire et appliquée (CESA), Gaspésie
Tina D’Antoni & Maude Prud’homme.
Coop de transition et de solidarité
Horizons Gaspésiens, Gaspésie
Martin Zibeau.
Coop de solidarité agroforestière de Minganie
Le Grenier boréal, Côte-Nord
Claude Lussier.
Éco-Kartier Chicoutimi, Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean
Félicia Pivin.
BREAK– [3:45pm-4:45pm]
PANEL 4 – [4:45pm-6pm] Video
followed by questions / comments
Jardin collectif des nations, Estrie
Jean Doyon.
Collectif ESPACES, Montérégie
Nicolas Van Caloen, Anne Van Caloen, Nicolas Gauthier & Michael Brophy.
La Cité écologique de Ham-Nord, Centre du Québec
Charles Marceau-Cotton & Ouriel Brien.
PRESENTATION – [6pm-6:15pm] Video
The Hudson Food Collective on the Community land trust
& the Community Economy of Concordia
Loic Freeman.
CLOSING KEYNOTE – [6:15pm-6:45pm] Video
Keynote address by Katherine Gibson
Wrap-up of the day following the guiding theme.
GET-TOGETHER – starting at 7pm
You are invited for beer, music and fun at Burritoville, 2055 Bishop street, Montreal!
Video presentation of the cooperative Burritoville.
Erik Chevrier.